Nickolai Rundkvist The famous Russian traveler, master of sports, the president of the Russian association of hike travelers, the member of the Union of journalists of Russia; he has about 70 long-term trips, among which are “The Bolshoy Ural 91”, “Trans Caucasus 93”, “North Pole 94”, “Along the Roads of Russia 97”, behind himself.

Главная ] Экспедиция "Сто дней на Урале" ] Экспедиция "Северный Полюс-94" ] Экспедиция "Дорогами России 97" ] Экспедиция "Камчатка 99" ] По следам Ермака (этап I) ] По следам Ермака (этап II) ] Путешествия на роликах ] "Самая прекрасная дорога" Н. Рундквист ] Сквозь всю Германию "ГеРоллер ХxI" ] Экспедиция "Белуха-2001" ] Экспедиция "Сотый меридиан" ] "The Hundredth meridian" Expedition ]
